Sunday, April 29, 2012

Soccer & Swimming

Alexya has just started Soccer with one of her BFF's from school, Teresa.  She loves it and they have a great time learning the basics.  Yesterday, she even scored her first goal! :) 
I asked her if she wanted to try softball or maybe basketball next...and she goes,"actually, no thanks.  I think I would like to try golf."  LOL!  OK.

Sonny, Alexya & Kara...on the way to the game last weekend.

Since it's been warm this weekend and last, we filled up the hot tub and let the kids go's funny how they forget every year.  So we had to go over the basics again and they had a great time remembering how to swim and go under water!  Primo was running around in circles around the hot tub wondering what the heck was going on in there.  It was cute.
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