Sunday, August 19, 2007

6 Year Anniversary! ~and 2 Teeth!

Yesterday was Robert and I's (baba and mama's) 6 year wedding anniversary!!
So Lexy got to spend the day at Grandma and Grandpa's house while while borrowed Grandpa's Porsche Boxster convertible and drove all over the bay area! Ye-ah it was so much fun! We stopped by the Contra Costa Country Club, where we had our wedding reception 6 years ago..geeze so weird, and also the church we were married at, St. Perpetua.
We then drove out past the berkeley marina and then over the Golden Gate bridge with the top down, which was so magical! I felt like I was in a movie staring up at the clear blue sky watching the huge golden arch slowly pass over my head. It was a beautiful day and so you could see everything!..all the bridges and the city and all the way out to the ocean. Then we drove through SF and then back out to dublin where we had dinner at the Maccaroni Grill. The food was so good and the waiter even brought us a huge chocolate brownie with fudge and a candle on it! :) It was the best day!
Oh and I forgot to mention in the morning, when Robert got home from work, he gave me beautiful multi-colored roses (my favorite) and a card and a beautiful new ring! (pic below)
It was the best day and I am so blessed!

Here's Lexy in the middle of a meal....hmmmm looks like sweet potatoes... Still Cute???

Here they are in all their glory! Both coming in at the same time has been so hard on Lexy :( (and mommy & daddy) But she's almost 9 months now so...they waited as long as they could! :)

This is the ring that Robert gave me yesterday...sorry it's so blurry, but I took like like 50 pictures and this is the best I could get. You can still see how beautiful it is and that's what's important. :)
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Debbie said...

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I can't believe it has been 6 years for you guys! Sounds like you guys had an incredible day!

Unknown said...

Great seeing all of the updated photo's and your descriptions. It's the next best thing to visiting. Congratulations on your Anniversary!

~ Jolene said...

Happy 6-month anniversary!!! It sounds like you celebrated it perfectly. :) Your ring looks beautiful. And Lexy's 2 teeth...aww, so cute! Poor baby girl. She must've been in so much pain!

catherine said...

happy anniversary you guys! what a nice way to spend the day - a little bit of a reminder of all the freedom we had pre-kids. i can not believe how fast lexy is growing up - she looks like a proper little baby girl now, in her little dress with 2 little teeth. i love that top picture of her. hey are you free on friday or next week mon/wed? let's get together with debbie and have lunch!