Thursday, August 02, 2007

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

So the saying goes...but Lexy takes it literally! She looked so cute in her new dress from Missy at her Great-grandmother's b-day party! It was held at my aunt Therese and uncle Scott's new home in El Dorado Hills on Saturday and there home is beautiful!! ...and I'm not just saying that...It is so nice that it makes you just want to move in with them! It's exactly how I would want my dream house to look, a huge family room with nice carpet (for lexy to crawl all around) and brand new kitchen and wet bar. Including an outdoor patio..make that 3 patios, one for dining, one for lounging by the fire and one with a spa...all with a great view! Plus an extra casita for guests to stay in! Ok, i'll stop, because you get the point... :)
Anyway, Lexy had fun with everyone including the b-day girl ;) and was able to show off her new skills: crawling, practice walking, clapping, saying "mama", and most importantly chewing on her foot.

This has also been my first week home (not working) and it has been so nice to spend time with her. Although, it really hasn't sunk in yet that I don't have to go Back to feels like I'm just on vacation. Even Lexy is trying to adjust to me being home. For the first few days she kept fighting going to sleep so hard and not wanting to let me out of her sight...I think she thought I was going to disapear if she took her eyes off me...a couple times she actually forgot that I was home and then when I came in the room, she went crazy happy like "you didn't leave!" I think it will take a few weeks for it to really hit me, but for now I'm just soaking up Alexya and happy! :)))
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~ Jolene said...

yey! she's saying "mama!!!" That's so adorable!!! Congrats again on being able to stay home with her...that's amazing and the toughest job anyone can have, I think. She's more beautiful with each new picture you post of her. Now teach her to say "Jolene" so she can say it when Gerric and I finally go visit someday! :) heehee

Debbie said...

Cute pics as always! I forgot to tell you that my work threw me a shower on Thursday and oh my god did she receive a ToN of clothes! It's crazy! I don't have to buy a thing!

Anonymous said...

I love to come to your blogspot Alexya. I had so much fun holding you all day at my birthday party. Your mom is so proud of you and so happy to be home with you now. You are a very lucky baby to have such loving parents.
Great Grandma Kistner.