Thursday, August 30, 2007

Up & Down & Watching Videos

Alexya is now an expert at standing up (holding on to something) and getting up and down quickly! She can chase you (or the cat) across the room and then climb up your leg. She is even getting a little cocky because twice now she has let go with both hands and tried to balance for a second before falling on her butt with a thump! So I'm guessing she will be walking soon...geeze!...slow down just are growing up so fast!

Here's Lexy laying on her pillow while she watches her videos....

and here she is getting a closer view...too close!

"What? Stop taking pictures of me, I'm trying to watch my movie!"
(just be sure to notice the pink outfit she is wearing has a football on the butt...because it is a raider outfit....she's been watching pre-season..and now she's ready for football to start! Go Raiders! (anything is better than last year)
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