Friday, December 14, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

We celebrated Thanksgiving at my dad and Sush's house this year.  It was so much fun just playing cards, eating, drinking, talking, eating and eating!  Did I mention how AMAZING the food was!!!  It's official, the best cook in the world is Sushuma Kistner, aka Grandma Sush!  I have no idea how the same woman can create an amazing horderve, then main course with insanely delicious side dishes that you can't even begin to count there are so many, and then finish it off with a variety of desserts that you don't have room for, but are so good you have to keep eating them and trying not to explode!  Usually people have a specialty, but somehow Sushuma is the complete gourmet!!  and, oh darn, we have to eat all her food!!! :) :)

love for grandma sush!

Happy cousins!
Primo and Kenobi were playing the WHOLE TIME!!!'s fun to play with someone your size...

....and then....
...Sonny got a hold of the camera....
enjoy the candid moments and one that I decided to take of him so he could see himself...
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