Sunday, April 29, 2012

Soccer & Swimming

Alexya has just started Soccer with one of her BFF's from school, Teresa.  She loves it and they have a great time learning the basics.  Yesterday, she even scored her first goal! :) 
I asked her if she wanted to try softball or maybe basketball next...and she goes,"actually, no thanks.  I think I would like to try golf."  LOL!  OK.

Sonny, Alexya & Kara...on the way to the game last weekend.

Since it's been warm this weekend and last, we filled up the hot tub and let the kids go's funny how they forget every year.  So we had to go over the basics again and they had a great time remembering how to swim and go under water!  Primo was running around in circles around the hot tub wondering what the heck was going on in there.  It was cute.
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(Primo 14wks) The Story of the Ears...

It was fun watching Primo's ears try to stand up...and remembering when Toretto's ears did the same thing, so long ago.  So, I tried to catch a picture for each stage..which happened over a matter of 3 days.

"Puppy Ears"  both ears down and floppy:

"One Ear Up!"

"Both Ears Up"  though slightly crooked...

My favorite..."The Funny Hat"  this is where he is at today:

And just thought I'd throw in a crazy puppy:   : )
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Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Easter 2012! Life is Precious!

The aftermath of Easter Morning...time to count/open and sort the eggs and prizes inside!
At 6am we heard whispers of,"look, the Easter Bunny did come!, see, there's an egg right there, look there's another one, come on Sonny let's get em."  "WAIT," we scream from our comfortable bed, "we need to get the camera!  Wait!"  Stumble out of bed, find the camera and in the meantime, half the eggs are found already!  Geeze.  At least we had about 100 eggs, so the other 50 we got on camera...strategy. ;)

Dressed and ready for Church!

After church was the egghunt in the grass!  They had just traded in their eggs for candy and, as you can see by the expression on Sonny's face, he didn't want to take a picture, he wanted to check out his candy!  As I took this picture, he was actually saying, "CHEESE!" in a very angry voice! LOL!!
Sonny has changed so much in just the past couple weeks!  He's speaking so clearly and working very hard on not only saying the right word, but pronouncing it the right way.  He loves learning from his sister, who loves teaching him all about what she's learning at school.  He shocked me yesterday by announcing in the car that he was going to count to 100.  He started and got all the way to 30!  which was exciting to me since I've never counted with him higher than 20...must have been Sissy. :)  He loves the learning websites like ABC and Starfall and Disney Jr.  He'll just go on the computer and bring up the websites and play/learn all by himself (sometimes with Alexya).  He loves to color and can write letter t and x and o.  He's very into Super Heros right now and can name most of them and pretends to be them.  This is a nice change from Woody! :)  His fav superhero right now is Green Lantern.  He puts his green power ring on and shoots me and things all around the house, including bad guys I can't see. "I just save your life mommy."

Speaking of saving lives...last week I was watching a show on TV and Sonny and Lexy were playing tea party with these little porcelin cups and suddenly Alexya screams and runs to the corner of the room.  Sonny walks over to me crying and with his mouth open and holding his neck so I try to stay calm and figure out what happened (with my screaming daughter in the background).  I ask him did you swallow something, is something in your mouth? and he doesn't answer, he just sounds like he's gargleing or something so I look in his mouth and I don't see anything, but I remember Robert telling me NOT to put my finger in and check because it might push something back into his throat and lodge it there. So after what seemed like forever (my life flashing before me of what would happen if I did this wrong and my daughter is watching and would my husband ever forgive me?, etc) I remember Robert telling me if an infant/small child is choking to first try back blows before the hymlic.  So, I pick him up and place him at an upsidedown angle over my knee and hit his back with the heel of my palm and "ding ding" out flys a nickel and hits the ground!!!  "Are you kidding me!!??" I yell.  Sonny then starts really crying and I just hug him and think to myself, "are you kidding me God, really?"  I don't even want to think about what would happen to my life/our lives if that had not ended well and thank God that it DID!  Needless to say I gave both kids the biggest lecture about putting anything, other than food/drink in their mouths and to check the cups before pretending to drink out of them.  It's just another reminder for me how fragile and precious life is and to Never take even a moment of it for granted...because it could all change in a moment.

Grandma Sush got the kids these 2 bouncy balls for Easter and they had such a great time throwing them around after the egg hunt!!  They had more fun with the balls than with the eggs!

On the way home from the church...I don't think they had any fun...;)

Gabby, Kara & Alexya.  3 Beautiful Easter Cousins!
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Cheerleading and Doggie Playdate!

Alexya took a Cheerleading class with one of her best friends in her Kindergarten class, Sara.  They learned a cheer routine and a dance routine and had so much fun!  I got the impression that Alexya was born to cheerlead.  Watching her quickly learn the moves and not only do the moves, but throwing some attitude into them was so fun to watch!  I used to love to make up my own dace routines as a kid/teenager, but never made the cheerleading team :(  Very exciting to watch my daughter loving it and doing well at the same time.  Oh, and as a bonus, she's smaller than most of the girls in the class so she gets to be the "flyer" and get lifted/oneday thrown into the air!  She LOVED that! 
The class ended last week and next week she starts Soccer with her other BFF, Teresa.  She'll do that for 2 months and then pick which sport she wants to do next.  I already heard her mention doing Cheerleading again in the Fall, but with her friends Sara and Malory this time.  It's funny because I'm not the most social person, but having a social daughter is forcing me to make friends with her friend's Moms in order to coordinate all this sports and's good for me ;).
Alexya is LOVING Kindergarten and just got her 2nd Trimester report card on which she did excellent!  I'm so proud of her because she's the youngest in her whole class and I was worried she might be behind, but she's keeping up and doing great!!  I love all the compliments I get from the volunteer moms about her.  Oh, and I'm not sure if I mentioned, but I'm volunteering on Fridays for her PE (which includes all 3 Kindergarten classes~90 kids!).  It's kind of chaotic, but FUN and she loves that i'm there. 
I can't believe how fast she's growing up and I'm impressed everyday by what an outgoing, smart, confident girl she is!

Doggie Playdate!  Kenobi & Primo
Candice & Darren came by a couple wks ago with Kenobi to visit us and let him meet his new cousin, Primo.  At first, Primo was scared and ran to me crying (this is the first time meeting another dog since being separated from his litter).  But, Kenobi is so sweet and just kept following him "asking" him to play until finally he wore himself out.  As soon as that happened, Primo got brave and decided to play with the "lazy Giant"...not only play with him, but he also decided it was time to take Kenobi's treats away and eat them himself!  See below the reenactment in the pictures of Primo deciding that whatever Kenobi had in his mouth, is what he wanted to take away and eat for himself!
You can kind of see the treat laying on the ground by Primo (it looks like a long stick).  He just took it out of Kenobi's mouth and was seeing "what else is in there???"

"Ok, give it back..."

"...don't make me hurt you," says Primo as he pins Kenobi in one try!

...(break time)...

"Ok, Now what have you got? Because I want THAT now."

Kenobi went home...Primo is just waiting...In case he might come back....
"Next time I see you, I'll be about your size!" (he's doubled in size since I took this picture!!!)
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Monday, April 02, 2012

Our New Family Member: Primo

Robert came up with a great idea to contact the breeder we got Toretto from...just to see if there was any way to get a puppy that was somehow related to him.  So we called and found out that she had a litter, that was just born, that's great grandfather was Toretto's dad! 
So we went to see the puppies and fell in love with this sweet little guy you can see above.  We brought him home a couple weeks ago and named him Primo, which means cousin in Spanish. 
He's only 10 weeks old, but is so smart and sweet and the perfect addition to our family!  The kids love playing with him and Robert and I just love having him to love.

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