Sunday, November 01, 2009

Alexya's Halloween

She got up and painted her pumpkin....

Got dressed in her Princess Cinderella dress...

Went to Mimi and Papa's house for trick-or-treating and got tons of candy!
Even make some new friends since she loved to chat with any kids who were walking up to a door at the same time as her. She even told one little girl who was about 7yrs old, "you're a princess for halloween? I'm a princess too. I'm Cinderella. You have a glow stick? I have a glow stick too." The conversation would have kept going except the door opened and they were given candy...then it was goodbye. She got scared at a couple houses, but was very brave and didn't let that stop her from getting her candy! I think this is the perfect age to take them trick-or-treating because we actually had a lot of fun! :)

Papa, Mimi, Sonny & Lexy
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1 comment:

Debbie said...

Of course Lexy is a princess! I wouldn't expect anything less! =)