Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Alexya had fun hunting for eggs yesterday at Mimi & Papa's house!

Sonny & Alexya...all smiles after our first attempt at this picture when he ripped a handful of her hair out and made her cry. She scolded him through tears saying, "not nice Sonny! not nice!" I think he was just getting her back for all the beatings he's been having to take... hmmm

Cousins: Baby Kara and Sonny (8wks and 11wks)

Easter morning: Alexya insisted she needed to "hold Sonny" for the picture (if you look closely, you can see her gently stroking his hair) such a nice sister... ;)
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Doug and Amy said...

Alexya and Sonny are adorable! They are going to have so much fun growing up together! I bet Lexy will always be looking out for her younger (though I am sure much bigger) brother. :) How are you doing chica?

~ Jolene said...

SO sweet! I love that picture and I can totally see her stroking his hair...that is precious! :)