Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Time to Swim!

Since the weather has been so warm we decided to fill up the hot tub and go swimming! It's a great way to stay cool and ....to exhaust some of Alexya's energy! I got great shots of Robert and Alexya, but none of me and Sonny in his super cute winnie the pooh swim trunks....coming soon so don't worry.

Here's Sonny relaxing in his swing outside after his first swim. He liked the water since it was just like taking a bath...except bigger and with mom holding him and his sister splashing around him and screaming and throwing fish...even with all that, he still liked it.
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1 comment:

~ Jolene said...

Hi! Just checking in! I can't believe how big Sonny is already! He looks like a little Robert. :) Well, at least in that one picture in his swing. I hope you're all well. When are you coming to LA to visit?????