Wednesday, April 08, 2009

...she finally made it to the front and didn't know where to she just sat down with the bridesmaids! :)

Here's the only picture of me with Alexya...all dressed up at the reception.

Papa Stephen and Sonny decided to dance to the music at the table since the dance floor was way too crowded! :)
Overall the wedding was beautiful and Andrea looked like a perfect latin barbie come to life! She was beautiful and my brother looked so happy the entire time. We had so much fun and can't wait until the next wedding.... "Papa Mike's & Susu's" in just under 4 months! :)
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1 comment:

~ Jolene said...

oh my gosh, I LOVE her little fur coat! I love that the fingers go in her mouth because she got nervous :) and I love that she sat down with the bridesmaids at the altar! LOL! Super cute!