Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Double Fister - lexy updates

My little girl loves her fluids! She has to have one cup with "agua" (water) and one with "leche con jugo" (milk w/ some orange juice in it...otherwise she won't drink it...i know..sounds gross). She will carry both cups around and drink from one then the other and then set one down and carry one around for a sec before going back to get it because it's more fun to carry two. She loves carrying things (not just the heavy things like before) like as many as she can to see if she can balance with all the stuff she has in her hands.
Also, she is making the cutest sort-of-words that don't sound like any actual word, but we are starting to understand what she means. Robert imitates her perfectly with this one sound she does that means she wants that. And she likes to raise her voice and point at Toretto to tell him to be quiet or lie down. Pretty much all he hears is "a-da-da-da-da-da!" with a tiny finger pointing at him, but he gets the point and lies down. He's a very good boy and loves her very much...they have a good relationship/understanding with each other. I have even caught her sneaking him some of her snacks and veggies (which is hilarious becuase I don't think he would even eat veggies if I gave them to him, but from her I guess he thinks it's special).

Pretty chica in her necklace and bracelett...and super cute outfit from Jolene and Gerric..."que bella!!"

Had to include this picture because it is hilarious! We got these clothes from Robert's partner at work who got them from her aunt...and some of them are super cute, but some of them are just weird. As you can see above, (just the pants not the shirt)...are really high waisted. Hey they were free and they are comfortable cotton, so she wears them at night and looks like a nerd. We lovingly nicknamed them her "nargies" since the brand name is very long and south african and we have no idea how to actually pronounce it...but "nargie" is very fun to instead of "go get into your PJs" at night, we say "go get into your nargies lexy! ;)
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1 comment:

~ Jolene said...

aww! The little "double fister" looks SO adorable in her outfit!!! I knew she would look like a doll in it! and those pants are hilarious!!! haha! But she still looks so cute in them! aww, Toretto is so cute. I miss him too. Sending all my love to all of you...