Thursday, January 31, 2008

the ones that got away...

Here are some of the pics that I wanted to put up, but just never made the cut. Watch as she goes from really really scary!

Here she is feeding the kitty...

Here she is in her super cute sweater dress that Missy gave her and super cute animal slippers that daddy bought her. She is very busy organizing her toys get ready, and don't view the next picture w/o bracing yourself first....

I'm not sure if she's upset at what she's wearing...or... the hair...
...but just know that she isn't happy all the time...she does have her moments and it sure is fun to catch them on film!
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catherine said...

you know, she looks so much like you in that second to last pic. she looks like a little mini-jessica :)

~ Jolene said...

haha! you are hilarious!!! Aww, she's still precious even when she's pissed off. haha! I LOVE her animal slippers. :)