Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hurry Up and Pop Out My Best Friend!

We went to see Debbie this week and check out the belly that has Alexya's soon to be best friend in it! She should be here in about 3 more weeks... We went over and decided to baby-proof, that is, have lexy check out what she can get into and what is breakable. Even though debbie likes to wear can check out pics of the belly on her blog which I have a link to on the right... :)
Lexy had a great time exploring the house and crawling on debbie and even got to meet a dog more her size, ozzie. It was cute watching Debbie practice holding and even feeding lexy...and her baby's room is so cute..again, check out her blog...

Here they are learning how to work the camera. Either debbie is showing lexy or lexy is showing debbie...I can't tell... ;)

Can't get enough of her...or her belly?...that's debbie's leg she is trying to climb up.
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Up & Down & Watching Videos

Alexya is now an expert at standing up (holding on to something) and getting up and down quickly! She can chase you (or the cat) across the room and then climb up your leg. She is even getting a little cocky because twice now she has let go with both hands and tried to balance for a second before falling on her butt with a thump! So I'm guessing she will be walking soon...geeze!...slow down just are growing up so fast!

Here's Lexy laying on her pillow while she watches her videos....

and here she is getting a closer view...too close!

"What? Stop taking pictures of me, I'm trying to watch my movie!"
(just be sure to notice the pink outfit she is wearing has a football on the butt...because it is a raider outfit....she's been watching pre-season..and now she's ready for football to start! Go Raiders! (anything is better than last year)
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Sunday, August 19, 2007

6 Year Anniversary! ~and 2 Teeth!

Yesterday was Robert and I's (baba and mama's) 6 year wedding anniversary!!
So Lexy got to spend the day at Grandma and Grandpa's house while while borrowed Grandpa's Porsche Boxster convertible and drove all over the bay area! Ye-ah it was so much fun! We stopped by the Contra Costa Country Club, where we had our wedding reception 6 years ago..geeze so weird, and also the church we were married at, St. Perpetua.
We then drove out past the berkeley marina and then over the Golden Gate bridge with the top down, which was so magical! I felt like I was in a movie staring up at the clear blue sky watching the huge golden arch slowly pass over my head. It was a beautiful day and so you could see everything!..all the bridges and the city and all the way out to the ocean. Then we drove through SF and then back out to dublin where we had dinner at the Maccaroni Grill. The food was so good and the waiter even brought us a huge chocolate brownie with fudge and a candle on it! :) It was the best day!
Oh and I forgot to mention in the morning, when Robert got home from work, he gave me beautiful multi-colored roses (my favorite) and a card and a beautiful new ring! (pic below)
It was the best day and I am so blessed!

Here's Lexy in the middle of a meal....hmmmm looks like sweet potatoes... Still Cute???

Here they are in all their glory! Both coming in at the same time has been so hard on Lexy :( (and mommy & daddy) But she's almost 9 months now so...they waited as long as they could! :)

This is the ring that Robert gave me yesterday...sorry it's so blurry, but I took like like 50 pictures and this is the best I could get. You can still see how beautiful it is and that's what's important. :)
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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Grrrrrrrr! No A's in the playoffs?!?!

Here is the newest Lexy expression! It's like a snarl where she wrinkles up her nose and breaths through it really fast so you can hear the soft snorting kinda like a dog sniffing you sound! It's hilarious because she does it when she's frusterated or mad or even when she concentrating really hard to stand up or something. It's funny becaause I don't know where this face came from...or who, I should say. But if you do it to her she will do it back to you!
She's also gotten very good at standing up. She will grab onto almost anything sturdy (sometimes not) and pull herself up to a standing position ...the only hard part is getting back down...safely! She loves to practice walking by holding your hands and has even gotten brave enough to stand up holding on with only ONE hand...(usually for just a second or two). There have been quite a few tumbles, but she seems like a tough girl as long as you don't make too big a deal about it.

Here's the pic I wanted to put up after Amy's bridal shower...of Lexy, Amy and I. The wedding is this weekend!!
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Updates from the Stay Home Mom ;)

So she has enough hair to put a small barrett in, but not quite enough to put in a rubber band yet. She is also finally getting her first tooth!! It's on the bottom and you can see the slit in her gums where it is starting to push it's way through. Poor thing, she is trying to tough it out, but it must really hurt because she will be playing and having fun and then wham!, she screams out in pain like something stung her or something! Poor chicita!
But she still has her two fingers to comfort her and is still smiling! :)

Here's our house finally finished with it's new paint job! It's hard to tell the color, but it's a light gray/tanish color with white trim. I don't think this house has been painted since it was built in '95 so it really really needed it! :) So, with the new paint inside and out, it's like having a brand new house!
Even lexy is helping keep it you can see below... our little Cinderella!

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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

So the saying goes...but Lexy takes it literally! She looked so cute in her new dress from Missy at her Great-grandmother's b-day party! It was held at my aunt Therese and uncle Scott's new home in El Dorado Hills on Saturday and there home is beautiful!! ...and I'm not just saying that...It is so nice that it makes you just want to move in with them! It's exactly how I would want my dream house to look, a huge family room with nice carpet (for lexy to crawl all around) and brand new kitchen and wet bar. Including an outdoor patio..make that 3 patios, one for dining, one for lounging by the fire and one with a spa...all with a great view! Plus an extra casita for guests to stay in! Ok, i'll stop, because you get the point... :)
Anyway, Lexy had fun with everyone including the b-day girl ;) and was able to show off her new skills: crawling, practice walking, clapping, saying "mama", and most importantly chewing on her foot.

This has also been my first week home (not working) and it has been so nice to spend time with her. Although, it really hasn't sunk in yet that I don't have to go Back to feels like I'm just on vacation. Even Lexy is trying to adjust to me being home. For the first few days she kept fighting going to sleep so hard and not wanting to let me out of her sight...I think she thought I was going to disapear if she took her eyes off me...a couple times she actually forgot that I was home and then when I came in the room, she went crazy happy like "you didn't leave!" I think it will take a few weeks for it to really hit me, but for now I'm just soaking up Alexya and happy! :)))
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