Monday, February 05, 2007

Visiting with Friends

So it looks like the video clip doesn't work...bummer because it is so cute watching her play. Anyway, here are more pictures of the little chica... Lexy in her car seat (which is funny that she's smiling in this picture because she's decided she hates it right now)

Lexy visiting her friend Thomas, Catherine's baby boy, at his house. He was so cute trying to rock her in her car seat and showing her his toys. He kept staring at her then looking at us and smiling and then getting super excited and running around and then coming back and rocking her again. At one point I was changing her diaper on this cushion of his and he runs over and moves her blanket out of the way so he can lie down on in next to her. It was so cute!!

Here's Amy holding lexy! Amy and Doug came over and took some really good pictures of Lexy (which I will post next) and then we all went out to dinner. We have so much fun hanging out with them! :)
Another one of Lexy in her gym...playing and smiling away and all her friends (toys) :) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Love the cute pink striped outfit with the elephant ;-) I am happy to see it fits her! Can't wait to see you all again! Love the car seat picture! You just want to kiss those cheeks!!! She is so adorable!

Love, Amy

Debbie said...

I miss you guys! I haven't seen Catherine since I last say you! When I get better, we should have another visit!

Anonymous said...

I love the shot of Lexy in her car seat. Does she have blue eyes?

Jess ~ Robert said...

Hey Grandma! No she is actually getting brown her mom and dad. :) My brown eyed girl!