Thursday, February 08, 2007

Save the Date Baptism - April 22nd

We picked April 22nd to have Alexya's baptism...evite soon to come.

We also had her 2 month (10wk) checkup today at the doctor (this is the one where she gets all her shots)...poor girl. She was so upset while getting the shots that she went crazy screaming and crying and we felt so bad for her! She was very scared...hopefully she's not traumatized now! We gave her tylenol drops and daddy rocked her to we will see how she is within the next 48 hours...hopefully not too fussy, but if so it's totally understandable. Other than the shots, her checkup went fine and she is a whoping 11lbs 10oz now and almost 2ft tall (1'11''). I put her first height mark on her wall chart...weird because she doesn't look that tall because she is usually bunched up in a ball in your arms. Anyway, after examining her and talking to her (she was so cute babbling away at him) the doc says she is "perfectly healthy" and "very strong" That's my girl!!!
Amy, Lexy and Mommy
Daddy and Lexy throwing hard looks! She is stylin' wit' her tupac inspired head gear.
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Debbie said...

Waiting for the evite! I'm supposed to go to San Diego sometime in April so I hope it's not the same weekend! I miss you guys!

CJCastro said...

Hey Cousins!
aLexya is too Qt!
Check out Baby CJ's Blogspot when you can:
luv, ruth