Saturday, January 27, 2007

Hello Baby Face-Goodbye newborn face

Our first visit to the park with Lexy...Here she is lying in the shade...we had fun playing and going on the swings (with mommy holding her of course).
Here's one that my step brother Jason took of her...what a model!!...and no you can't steal her from me cause I know that's what you're thinking! :)
This is Lexy in her new baby gym. She loves to stare at her bird that moves and the tiny dragonfly and butterfly that hang from above. She also has figured out how to kick at the toys to make them make noise and she waves and swings her arms yes, now I know why they call this a gym! She gets quite a workout!
Lexy and Lauryn! She loves getting horsey rides on aunt lolo's lap...also, having staring contests now..don't blink! Posted by Picasa

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