Monday, December 18, 2006

Lots of Visitors...Lucky Girl!

Here's some pictures I took of some of the many visitors that Alexya has had over the past 3 weeks....there were so many ..and I was too tired to remember to take pictures of some people that I wanted to if you came by and have pics that you took and can send them to me..I will put them up here! :)

Thank you everyone for coming to visit Lexy and for the many wonderful cards/gifts and awesome comments that you've posted here on the blog! I don't know how many times I've been so touched by a card or a comment on here that I've cried!! Everyone has been so nice and caring and just made this whole experience of having a new little baby girl amazing!! We are so lucky to have friends and family like we do that just add to the love and excitement of this moment in our lives! Thank you!!!!!

For christmas we are going to stop by Uncle (great uncle) John's house for a few hours and visit everyone who is there. Unfortunately, Robert has to work Christmas day, but Lexy and I and Uncle Caleb and Aunt Lauryn and grandpa mike are coming....oh and I think Aunt Candice too! Also, If you haven't already stopped by or want to come again, please do!! I don't mind visitors if they are willing to change a diaper and bring me a peppermint mocha from starbucks. ;)

Also, I'm looking into the date for Aleyxa's baptism, so I will put it up here when i get all the details sorted out. Once again, thank you everyone and have a wonderful Christmas!

Picture #1 is of Uncle Caleb and Lexy...Pic #2 is grandma Theresa, Aunt Erica and Uncle Matt w/Lexy.

Picture #3 is Great grandma w/Lexy and Pic #4 is great grandpa with Lexy.
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Anonymous said...

There are no words to say how lovely Alexya is and how happy she has made me. Every time I hold her or change her diaper I am in awe. Baby's are miracles of love. Thank you Jessica and Robert for the miracle of Alexya.

Love Mom/Grandma Theresa

Anonymous said...

I have really enjoyed spending time with your baby girl. She is such a cutie!!!!