Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Day Pics

Lexy...actually awake!..with grandpa mike.
Lexy and her Great-grandparents!...check out the boots...and yes she does look like a mini santa.
Lexy with her cousin Jenna....this is where she spent most of her day, she looks so comfortable!
Lexy with her cousin Julia :) Posted by Picasa


Debbie said...

Wow you are really keeping this blog up-to-date! Thank god because I'm going to need something to read while I'm here in Florida and when I go back to work! Lexy looks like a little Santa!

catherine said...

wow - you are really lucky to have so much family around. family can be hard sometimes, but once you have kids, it is so nice to have more than less of them around.

and i agree with debbie, you have been very frequent with posting! i need to get my butt in gear and get some more recent pics up :)