Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Day Pics

Lexy...actually awake!..with grandpa mike.
Lexy and her Great-grandparents!...check out the boots...and yes she does look like a mini santa.
Lexy with her cousin Jenna....this is where she spent most of her day, she looks so comfortable!
Lexy with her cousin Julia :) Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 25, 2006

Our Christmas Hero...Toretto

I wanted to put up some cute pictures of Alexya in her Christmas dress, but I have to just tell everyone about what happened the day before Christmas eve. Robert was out in the front yard putting up Christmas lights on the house with Toretto in the front yard when a Pitt bull got out of it's yard and came running down the street towards our house. The dog ran up to Toretto and when Robert grabbed his collar to take him inside, the pitt bull lunged at them and Toretto had to defend them. The two dogs got into a huge terrible fight and there was blood everywhere. I ran outside when I heard the fight and it was the most horrible thing you can see my other baby and all this blood and not be able to stop it was the worst feeling in the world. The dogs fought what felt like forever and the pitt bull's owner was just standing there watching, while robert calls off toretto (he actually listened and came to robert, only to be attacked again from behind), and says "I can't control my dog." Finally, the pitt bull had latched on to toretto's neck underneath his jaw and toretto had his huge mouth over the pitt bull's face and Robert was able to grab toretto by the back of the neck and was kicking the pitt bull and pulling on his harness and finally pulled them apart and hands the dog to his owner. The guy kept saying sorry as he dragged his dog away, but honestly, after examining Toretto he actually came out of it ok. He had all this blood all over him, but none of it was his...he only had some scrape on his lip and I guess the pitt bull didn't have a good grip on his neck because robert was able to pull him right off. So, lucky for us, Toretto is totally fine (I can't say the same for the pitt bull, and I can't say that I'm sorry about that either).

What a hero! He totally defended his family and did a good job! I can't tell everyone how something this traumatic, especially around Christmas, can just make you really thankfull and truely appreciate the true meaning of the holiday...Family! We are so thankful that our family is safe and healthy and Lexy is truely lucky to have a big brother who will defend and protect her and her mom and dad from harm!

Grandpa Frank and Grandma Theresa holding Alexya in her beautiful Christmas dress!
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Monday, December 18, 2006

Lots of Visitors...Lucky Girl!

Here's some pictures I took of some of the many visitors that Alexya has had over the past 3 weeks....there were so many ..and I was too tired to remember to take pictures of some people that I wanted to if you came by and have pics that you took and can send them to me..I will put them up here! :)

Thank you everyone for coming to visit Lexy and for the many wonderful cards/gifts and awesome comments that you've posted here on the blog! I don't know how many times I've been so touched by a card or a comment on here that I've cried!! Everyone has been so nice and caring and just made this whole experience of having a new little baby girl amazing!! We are so lucky to have friends and family like we do that just add to the love and excitement of this moment in our lives! Thank you!!!!!

For christmas we are going to stop by Uncle (great uncle) John's house for a few hours and visit everyone who is there. Unfortunately, Robert has to work Christmas day, but Lexy and I and Uncle Caleb and Aunt Lauryn and grandpa mike are coming....oh and I think Aunt Candice too! Also, If you haven't already stopped by or want to come again, please do!! I don't mind visitors if they are willing to change a diaper and bring me a peppermint mocha from starbucks. ;)

Also, I'm looking into the date for Aleyxa's baptism, so I will put it up here when i get all the details sorted out. Once again, thank you everyone and have a wonderful Christmas!

Picture #1 is of Uncle Caleb and Lexy...Pic #2 is grandma Theresa, Aunt Erica and Uncle Matt w/Lexy.

Picture #3 is Great grandma w/Lexy and Pic #4 is great grandpa with Lexy.
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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

What a Cute Little Bundle!

Here's Lexy in her pink sweat suit from Grandma Theresa...just kickin back and relaxin. ;)
Little snow bunny Lexy...wearing the new hat she got from Aunt Candice.
Proud parents....
Proud Papa! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Pictures from home

Look at our Toretto watching over his little sister! What a good dog!
Bath time....happy Lexy!

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Alexya is Born! November 27th 8:28am

She finally made it!! After going into labor saturday morning and having it last through the night and into sunday and then finally getting to the hospital sunday around 3:30 (I will spare you the details of horrible contraction pain and vomiting), I had Alexya on Monday morning at 8:28am after 2hours and 45 min of pushing!! Holy crap was this a hard weekend of baby delivoring. We both had fevers because the labor was so freaking long, but we are both fine now. Robert was the best coach, helping me throught the worst pain in my life and fighting total exhaustion, to keep me sain and help me push out our baby girl! I couldn't have made it through without him and I swear, I love him so much I can't even put it into words and i'm crying right now just thinking about how much I love him. Sorry for the mushyness, but I just have to make sure everyone knows how I feel and now I'm done. :) So the little bundle was born 7lbs 11oz and 20.5 in long. She has Robert's ears, nose, and basically entire face and has my hands and feet! After spending monday and tues night in the hospital they released us wed afternoon and wed night was our first night at home and it was horrible!! Constant crying and no sleep. But, the weird thing is....that I swear, someone switched our baby because thursday morning until now (sat night) she has not cryed once!! Seriously..i'm totaly jinxing it i know, but she is just the happiest little baby in the world!!! She doesn't cry when you change her or even when we bathed her... she just sleeps and eats and poops and when she is awake she just stares at you and looks around totally happy! Like I said I'm totally jinxing it I realize this, but I'm just telling it how it's been so far. More updates to come! I have to go lie down now...i'm tired.

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