Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The end of the 1st Trimester

So I just wanted to give a quick update... I'm officially "showing" that is I have a stomach that I never had before and it's totally weird! I also have two other things that I never had (this size) before that I'm totally LOVING! ;) But, ya, let me just tell you that I can't walk down the hallway at work without people staring and oohing at my belly...I'm not used to so much attention!..this could be really fun!

Other than that I'm having insane cravings for cheese, lemonade, and yes...cheeseburgers!!! I could eat cheeseburgers for breakfast, lunch and dinner! The cravings are something to get used to...but let me tell you...satisfying a pregnant craving is HEAVEN ON EARTH! Bring on the cravings!!:)


Debbie said...

I can't wait for the day you are crazy asian food. You're going to wake up one day and say, "I wish I could have some dumplings." Haha!

catherine said...

hey jessica :) welcome to the blog world!

Anonymous said...


You make me laugh. I love it that you are sharing "every" moment with the world regarding your new family member.

Now that the "girls" have made an appearance, I bet your hubby is enjoying them also! Can't wait to hear about the first time you yell, OUCH!

Miss you!
Connie Jonas