Monday, May 01, 2006

A Rollercoaster Ride...

The last 2 weeks have been very hectic! 2 weeks ago I found out that I was pregnant! At first, I thought it was me being sick again because since that happens all the time. I really didn't think much about it but a few weeks later, it got me thinking. So 9 weeks later, this is where I am. I feel different and not myself. I actually need new clothes now so I guess shopping would be the perk. My friend Debbie said that I should get a blog and document everything that's happening but I didn't want to! But she convinced me that doing it would really keep the important people in my life informed. So here it is. Not much to update on but I will have pics soon. Oh, I almost forgot: baby's due date is November 30th!

PS: To everyone out there who wants to have kids or is in the process, don't steal my names!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sooooo excited! Toretto is going to have a sister (yep, that's what I'm pulling for).