Monday, May 08, 2006


So Robert and I went to visit the doctor again on Friday and had another ultrasound done. Same as last time the baby looks like a bunch of circles, but this time something exciting happened..... The circles MOVED!! As soon as the picture on the screen came into view we could see the big circles for head and body and the little circles for arms moving and wiggling all around! It looked like the baby was trying to run around! We couldn't believe our eyes and just freaked out that the circles are actually an alive and moving baby. What a reality check. My apointment to see if Antonio or Alexya will win is June 28th! We can't wait to find out! :)


Anonymous said...

Hi toretto!
Tell Jess:
that is so cool u acually saw the baby move!!!
well as you know i am roooooting for Alexya because you already have a boy
well im pretty sure that the baby is going to be an A's fan. i want my room painted yellow and green!
i am so ready 4 dat baby 2 just pop right out
so hurry up already
im glad that u r not having morning sickness anymore but i heard that when u r pregnant u get mood swings so im looking 4ward 4 dat (not).
well i love u sooooo much and cant wait 2 see u this weekend 4 mothers day!!!!
Thank toretto 4 telling her this!!
lol cya

Anonymous said...

HAHA...Lauren is sooo funny=) HAMBURGERS ANYONE??? See you Saturday!

Love, Trish