Sunday, February 03, 2013

Santino Turns 4 years old!

Sonny turned 4 last weekend and he wanted an "Avengers" Birthday party.  So everyone who came dressed up like a super hero and Sonny loved it!
He got an Avengers cake and Pinata and lots of Avengers decorations.
He took turns wearing his Iron Man costume and then changing into his Captain America mask/sheild and then borrowed his friend, Kalvin's, Hulk fists and mask for a while.  It was a small party, but everyone was so great and we had a great time making Sonny's day special! :)
Here are Captain America and Super Girl!

Kara wore her Spiderman shirt and Gabby wore her Supergirl shirt! :)

Papa Mike wore his "Garbage Man" was very creative and Sonny thought it was hilarious!  His friend, Kalvin, kept yelling "Hey TrashMan!" and Papa Mike would say, "I'm Garbage Man."

After he was done opening all his amazing gifts, Sonny was screaming with excitement over each one!,...we looked around at all the torn wrapping paper and tissue paper everywhere and Grandma Sush said,"I think it's time for GarbageMan to get to work!" hahaha!!

I love this picture! xoxo

Sonny got the biggest piece of Avengers Cake with ice cream and ate it ALL!

This is a Happy Kid!
(thanks Mimi & Papa for the Avengers PJs! He loves them!)
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