Santino learned (last night!) to sleep in a "big boy bed" and the crib is no more! He loves his new bed/mattress (we got him his fav character sheets: spiderman and spongebob) and it took 15 minutes of crying last night for him to fall asleep on the bed! That's it!! What the heck!!?? With Alexya it was like a week of battles and she still would cry herself to sleep by the door, not on the bed. I'm totally amazed and in awe at how different kids can be.
Speaking of which, Sonny has tried to tell me he's ready to potty train by going into the kitchen without a diaper and peeing. He sits on his potty chair and says "pee pee" and comes to me with a diaper full of poop and points to it and says "poop-poo" "diapy" which is crazy! I am NOT ready for potty training a 1 1/2 yr he's going to have to wait a little longer until I am...sorry Sonny.
Alexya is officially enrolled in preschool and starts on Aug 3rd (aunt lauryn's birthday)!! She is so excited and happy that she's telling everyone and it's all she talks about right now "when I go to preschool..." I'm very excited that she liked the class so much and is looking forward to it. She needs it and is definately ready. Also, I can have a 2 hour break 2 times a week to give Sonny some one-on-one time. (or put him down for a nap and just go crazy with my free time!!! ) ;)