Saturday, July 17, 2010

My Kids Are Growing Up!

Santino learned (last night!) to sleep in a "big boy bed" and the crib is no more! He loves his new bed/mattress (we got him his fav character sheets: spiderman and spongebob) and it took 15 minutes of crying last night for him to fall asleep on the bed! That's it!! What the heck!!?? With Alexya it was like a week of battles and she still would cry herself to sleep by the door, not on the bed. I'm totally amazed and in awe at how different kids can be.

Speaking of which, Sonny has tried to tell me he's ready to potty train by going into the kitchen without a diaper and peeing. He sits on his potty chair and says "pee pee" and comes to me with a diaper full of poop and points to it and says "poop-poo" "diapy" which is crazy! I am NOT ready for potty training a 1 1/2 yr he's going to have to wait a little longer until I am...sorry Sonny.

Alexya is officially enrolled in preschool and starts on Aug 3rd (aunt lauryn's birthday)!! She is so excited and happy that she's telling everyone and it's all she talks about right now "when I go to preschool..." I'm very excited that she liked the class so much and is looking forward to it. She needs it and is definately ready. Also, I can have a 2 hour break 2 times a week to give Sonny some one-on-one time. (or put him down for a nap and just go crazy with my free time!!! ) ;)

Chica kicking a goal!

Kicking it with the boys! :)
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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Alexya's Soccer Exp

Here's Alexya in her new soccer outfit and gear (thx mimi & papa) learning all the soccer basics at her Saturday soccer class. It's every Sat from 9:45-10:15. If anyone would like to come watch her just let me know!! It's really cute cause it's a class for 3 1/2-4 year olds so they just learn the basics and have fun kicking goals and dribbling around. Alexya loves getting dressed up for it and has already made new friends....which has inspired me to try and put her in preschool before I had intended to, she's ready! :)

The Co-Op preschool I enrolled her in doesn't start until Sept, but I found a new one that's only 2 blocks from our house for the same price! It's only two days a wk for 2 hrs, but I think she needs some friends her age at this point and I don't want to make her wait another couple months. We'll see if we/she like it at the tour next week.

Alexya finished her swimming class and is getting to be a very good swimmer! She's practicing all her techniques that she learned in our hot tub daily! And any chance we get we go visit Robert's aunt or uncle (down the street) who each have swimming pools! :)

Here's Papa, Santino and Alexya walking together after her last game....all holding hands. :) I love moments like this and am so glad I got a picture of it.

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Family Updates

My brother, Caleb and Andrea had their baby- girl on June 1st. Gabriela Kistner! :)
We went up to visit them last month (she was a week old in these pictures) and see their new house also. She's such a cutie with so much hair. She was sleeping and so peaceful the entire time. :)

I think I'm loving this aunt thing because my sis, Erica is having another girl-due in Sept! So pretty soon I will have 3 nieces! Yay!! :)
We went to visit the Sac Zoo and hang out with Erica, Matt and Kara. It was really cute pushing all our little ones around in strollers and checking out the animals.
Also, my dad turned 60, went skydiving with my sister, Candice! and had a party at his house to celebrate!
At the same time we got a visit from my brother, Danny, who goes to college in Oregon! The kids had so much fun hanging out with Uncle Danny and he even built them a train track! :)

My brother, Chris, has been deployed to Iraq for a year to serve his country in the U.S. Army. We are so proud of him and love him so much. May God watch over him and bring him home safe to us. Santino will love to hear all the stories from his Godfather when he gets back!
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