Monday, October 19, 2009

Sonny & Kara

Here are some new pics of Sonny and his cousin Kara! They are only 3 wks apart, but she is normal size while he is super size. They actually had a lot of fun playing together and sharing toys and touching each other's faces. It was really cute to see them interact and it's really nice to have them be so close in age! Erica & I did a good job coordinating our pregnancies ;).

Kara is a little energy ball (like Alexya) and loves to dance and jump around and even flip flop around on the floor while laughing. She really entertains herself and loves to keep moving....good luck to Auntie Erica & Matt when she starts to crawl.... She's got the most beautiful big blue eyes and a heart melting smile. Such a cutie! I love my niece! :)

Finally got a picture of it....TOUCHDOWN!

Daddy & Sonny (notice the Godfather shirt daddy picked out for him...since that's what he's named after) ;)
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