Monday, June 22, 2009

Santino's Baptism!

We are proud to announce that our son is now baptised! (Uncle Chris is his Godfather and Aunt Erica is his Godmother). We had a double baptism for Santino and Kara (of whom we are the godparents!) last Sunday, June 14th. I'm just now putting up pictures because I didn't get a chance to take any during the ceremony and so I had to redress him up in his adorable outfit (thank you great-aunt Connie for making it!) and shoot some pictures of him this morning! Anyway, the ceremony was family only and so it was small and perfect! Sonny got overwhelmed in the begining when he first saw the family all gathered around him and started to cry! But, after he calmed down and before the ceremony began, he was OK from then on. He didn't cry during the actual baptism and neither did Kara! yay! :)

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Debbie said...

Congratulations on Sonny's baptism. I had it on my calendar but I forgot to text you. Sorry we couldn't be there!

~ Jolene said...

oh yey - congratulations!!! He looks like a little angel. :)

Anonymous said...

я думаю: бесподобно.. а82ч

Anonymous said...

hi all