Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Time to Swim!

Since the weather has been so warm we decided to fill up the hot tub and go swimming! It's a great way to stay cool and ....to exhaust some of Alexya's energy! I got great shots of Robert and Alexya, but none of me and Sonny in his super cute winnie the pooh swim trunks....coming soon so don't worry.

Here's Sonny relaxing in his swing outside after his first swim. He liked the water since it was just like taking a bath...except bigger and with mom holding him and his sister splashing around him and screaming and throwing fish...even with all that, he still liked it.
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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Alexya had fun hunting for eggs yesterday at Mimi & Papa's house!

Sonny & Alexya...all smiles after our first attempt at this picture when he ripped a handful of her hair out and made her cry. She scolded him through tears saying, "not nice Sonny! not nice!" I think he was just getting her back for all the beatings he's been having to take... hmmm

Cousins: Baby Kara and Sonny (8wks and 11wks)

Easter morning: Alexya insisted she needed to "hold Sonny" for the picture (if you look closely, you can see her gently stroking his hair) such a nice sister... ;)
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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Alexya ~ The Flower Girl

Here's Alexya in my brother Caleb and Andrea's wedding. These are all the pics robert could snap as she was walking down the aisle...some are a little blurry, but I just wanted to share them all. We practiced and practiced so she was well prepared and excited to do it as you can see...

...then she started walking and got nervous...so the fingers went in the mouth...

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...she finally made it to the front and didn't know where to go...so she just sat down with the bridesmaids! :)

Here's the only picture of me with Alexya...all dressed up at the reception.

Papa Stephen and Sonny decided to dance to the music at the table since the dance floor was way too crowded! :)
Overall the wedding was beautiful and Andrea looked like a perfect latin barbie come to life! She was beautiful and my brother looked so happy the entire time. We had so much fun and can't wait until the next wedding.... "Papa Mike's & Susu's" in just under 4 months! :)
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Friday, April 03, 2009

All Smiles!

Here are a couple of shots I got of Sonny smiling! He loves his new (lexy's old) jumper and being outside.
He also loves his grandpa Stephen as you can see in the picture below! :)

It seems like he really loves to stare at people's faces and flirt with them by giving them coos and smiling...he even tried to flirt/smile his way out of getting his shots at the doctor! The lady that gives the shots was about to start when I laid Sonny on the table and he started smiling and cooing at her...she said, "stop it! now I feel really bad cause I'm about to hurt you." It was funny and he really didn't cry too much (not like his sister the drama queen does).

Also, we found out that he is only 13.5 lbs but an incredible 25 inches long!...that's why he fits the 6 month size.

Here's a picture of Sonny in his new outfit from great grandma and grandpa Kistner and laying on the beautiful blanket she made him! The Oakland Raider colored blanket goes perfectly with his Oakland A's room! :) Yay! Thank you again Great Grandma and we look forward to seeing you and everyone at Caleb & Andrea's wedding tomorrow!

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