Friday, March 20, 2009

Story Time

Santino at 7 wks old.
He's already as big as his infant car seat...and fitting into 6-9 month onesies and some 3-6 month outfits still! Not fair because he barely even wore them, so i'm taking pictures of him everyday in a new outfit in case he outgrows it and I never see it again! Anyway I'm not sure of his exact measurements but we have a doctor apt. next week so we will find out then...please place your bets on length and poundage! :)
By the way...this is his tough guy stare that he gives to the ladies...I laid him on Alexya's bed the other day and already he was smiling and cooing to the princesses around him...ya, we're in trouble. ;)

So now are you ready for story time??? Alexya is determined to read her books to her brother even though he obviously is NOT interested. The first picture you can see by the look on his face...that he is humoring her...

...and the second picture....well....speaks for itself.

Finally, I just have to end this post with an Alexya-in-the-box!

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1 comment:

Grandma Jeanne said...

incredible; it couldn't of been better told!!!!!