Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Alexya and Isabel's Day at the Park

Here are the hotties all piled in Debbie's SUV looking cute as ever and ready to roll!

Had to stick this one in...Lexy stuffing her face w/bananas. Yep, that's my girl!

After our picnic lunch we went to the playground so Lexy could play and let out some energy! Here she is on the cute because Debbie was swinging next to her (on the adult swings...geeze people) :)

This one is hard to really see Lexy, but she is pulling me along because she is so excited to walk around on the playground. Too bad she can't walk by herself yet, but then again...that will be another story right?! She loves to walk and pick up all the leaves off the ground (stopping every two feet to pick up another one). She loves the slide and the swings and just exploring everything. It's really fun to bring her to parks and it was really fun having Debbie and Isabel there to play with (even though Isabel can't get out of her stroller yet, Lexy loves having an audience). Just wait till the two of them can walk and will be so much fun! :)
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1 comment:

Debbie said...

The pics are great! I had sooo much fun that day that I wished we lived closer! I can't wait to take the girls to the zoo in the future...the zoo...the aquarium...the mall!