Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A VIsit to the Country

This has been a very fun and busy past week! We went to visit my parents in Browns Valley (middle of nowhere sort of near marysville highway 20ish) where Lexy got to experience country living. She got to see wild turkeys and pumpkins and lots of canaries and two little dogs that scare her only when they "sound the alarm" by barking if they hear something outside. She got to take long naps (like 2-3 hours long!!) and discover a large house with lots of fun toys and exciting grandparents to play with! Here she is playing with grandma: laughing so hard because she was sharing her teething ring with someone that she got the hiccups.

Here she is discovering the wonderful world of DVDs! Total Recal was the winner because it had a red tin case she could band and play with. Oh, and no, she didn't put them all away...

Here's Lexy watching her video with grandpa. A very comfortable and cozy seat..everyone likes to cuddle with grandpa!

And for the grand finale... "the face"
Alexya went for a swim in a little wading pool that grandma bought her...and while grandpa was taking pictures she decided that she would give him the snarl/robert face. I'm going to try to take a picture of Robert making the same face and put it up too so you can all freak out with me.
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1 comment:

~ Jolene said...

haha! I LOVE the face!!! Like father, like daughter in this case huh? :)