Monday, May 21, 2007

A Visit to State Farm- Congrats Candice!

Lexy got all dressed up to visit her Auntie Candice at her State Farm office grand opening party! Too bad we were way late and missed the party!! :( But at least we got to see Candice's new office and hang out for a while. Thanks Great Aunt Cheryl, Jacqueline, Amanda and Aryton for the very cute outfit! She wears it almost every single day!!!
Here's a pic from the baptism after party that I love...and just had to throw in so I can look at it online anytime I want!! baby and her daddy (so proud)! What a couple of cuties!
Also, did I mention that he surprised me with Lexy by showing up for lunch at my office last week and totally made my day!! What a thoughtful guy and what a great surprise!
So back to the office visit....Here's Candice and Lexy hard at work at Candice's desk! She loves her good neigh-bear and state farm bib! And YES, Lexy officially has Life Insurance! ;)

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Debbie said...

I love Lexy's outfit! It's super super cute! She's absolutely adorable!

Alexya said...

Thanks! when you pop out your baby girl....she can borrow it! :) Since they will be BFFs!