Thursday, May 17, 2007

Lexy's 1st A's Game!

Here are some of the pictures taken at Lexy's very 1st A's game! Candice, Darren and Missy joined us for a tailgate and game on Sunday which was so much fun! Lexy was obviously the cutest baby there all decked out in A's gear and her A's blanket. ;) We had so much fun and the A's even came back to win in the bottom of the 9th (classic A's style) with first a 2 run homerun by Bradley to tie it and then a winning 3 run homer by Cust!! We went crazy! Lexy was even excited watching mommy screaming at the top of her lungs and jumping up and down and shaking with excitement! I'm so happy that her 1st experience was a good one....because there are many many many more games in her future! :)


~ Jolene said...

oh my gosh, look at her outfit!!! she's so adorable!!!!!!!! she's the cutest little baseball fan I've ever seen. :)

catherine said...

you guys are so crazy!!!! she is so cute in all her A's gear! :)