Saturday, May 26, 2007

Welcome Cousin Ashton!

Here's a picture of Lexy's newest cousin, Ashton! He was born last friday May 25th and she can't wait to meet him! Congratulations Jason and Charlie! :)
Here's Lexy showing off in her pretty blue dress...I think she's trying to curtsey...

What a spazz! This picture makes me laugh!

Lexy and mommy!
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Monday, May 21, 2007

A Visit to State Farm- Congrats Candice!

Lexy got all dressed up to visit her Auntie Candice at her State Farm office grand opening party! Too bad we were way late and missed the party!! :( But at least we got to see Candice's new office and hang out for a while. Thanks Great Aunt Cheryl, Jacqueline, Amanda and Aryton for the very cute outfit! She wears it almost every single day!!!
Here's a pic from the baptism after party that I love...and just had to throw in so I can look at it online anytime I want!! baby and her daddy (so proud)! What a couple of cuties!
Also, did I mention that he surprised me with Lexy by showing up for lunch at my office last week and totally made my day!! What a thoughtful guy and what a great surprise!
So back to the office visit....Here's Candice and Lexy hard at work at Candice's desk! She loves her good neigh-bear and state farm bib! And YES, Lexy officially has Life Insurance! ;)

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Such A Cutie!

I just had to put some more pictures up of my little cutie! I swear, she is getting so big! She is able to stand up now (with you holding her hands) and balance pretty good. She also, cannot keep her two fingers out of her mouth!!
Here she is posing, lips puckered, wearing her princess crown from Aunt Candice and her new outfit that Blanca got her!
We got her a new high chair (that fits into a regular chair) so she can sit at the table with us. There is a tray that attaches, but without it, she can scoot right up to the table and play and read her book while mommy and daddy eat! She is totally content as long as she is included in our activities! :)
This is my favorite picture! We bought her this toy with the gift cards we got from Catherine and Debbie and she LOVES it!! She jumps and plays and screams and smiles....seriously, she has a small party in here! She goes so crazy that she uses all her energy and, as you can see in the picture, passes out! This is the best toy ever invented and I STRONGLY suggest getting one if you have a baby! She is so proud of herself when she is jumping and swaying back and forth and if you put her song on for her to dance to (avril lavigne "i don't like your girlfriend") she will bounce and jump so hard that it sounds like she is going to break it!! :) It is very entertaining!Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Lexy's 1st A's Game!

Here are some of the pictures taken at Lexy's very 1st A's game! Candice, Darren and Missy joined us for a tailgate and game on Sunday which was so much fun! Lexy was obviously the cutest baby there all decked out in A's gear and her A's blanket. ;) We had so much fun and the A's even came back to win in the bottom of the 9th (classic A's style) with first a 2 run homerun by Bradley to tie it and then a winning 3 run homer by Cust!! We went crazy! Lexy was even excited watching mommy screaming at the top of her lungs and jumping up and down and shaking with excitement! I'm so happy that her 1st experience was a good one....because there are many many many more games in her future! :)