Thursday, March 22, 2007

So Fashionable!

What a movie star wanna be huh?? She is so cute and happy in her sunglasses! I totally thought that she would hate wearing them, but once again...the bunny is happy and likes her glasses. Too funny! :) She also figured out how to do this high pitched scream now. She yells and screams and then smiles at you because she is testing her vocal chords and loves the sound of her own voice!! It is so funny to listen to her...she goes on and on talking and yelling at her toys....
Her is Alexya in her new outfit from Grandma Theresa. What a cutie!!
Here she is in her outfit she got from Missy! Where is the A's bib?? Geeze I gotta go shopping!!
And here's Lexy with Grandma Jeanne at their new home. We had so much fun on our visit!!!
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Anonymous said...

She is such a cutie! Love the pink shades! I can't wait to see you guys! Love,Amy

~ Jolene said...

Lexy gets cuter in every picture!!! I just want to hold her so bad and pinch her little cheeks! She's so beautiful!!!

xoxoxo - Jolene