Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Here are some new photos of our little bunny, which is her nickname Robert gave her. She is so active and happy right now it is so much fun. She loves looking around at everything and when she sees your face she smiles so big that you feel so good! :) She has started putting everything in her mouth and drooling all over whatever she can get in there! She also is just talking and talking. You can lay her down by herself and she will just look around and talk to herself forever. She also really loves standing up and when you hold her and make her dance around she smiles and laughs so hard it's so funny to watch! It's really been fun watching how much she's changing. She's even trying her hardest to sit up and roll over, but not yet! Another thing she loves is taking baths! She would take a bath every single day if she could. She gets so happy in the water and since the tub is on the sink by the mirror, she just stares at herself in the "other tub" and talks and smiles at herself. It is so fun to watch how much she enjoys it. She is such a happy baby and we are SO LUCKY.

I am sending out the evite to her baptism and if you don't get it please email me...I tried to get everyone's email address, but I may have missed some...so if you don't get it please let me know and I will send it to you right away! Also, please feel free to come and visit us and see the bunny in action. She will steal your heart! :)

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Anonymous said...

She is getting so big! I can't believe how big she looks in her car seat - she used to look so tiny! We can't wait to come see all of you! What a cutie she is!

Love, Amy

Debbie said...

Lexy is growing so fast! I can totally see it in her face that she's maturing. I was just leaving a message for Catherine too, that Thomas looks like a little man! I can't wait to see you! April is sooo far away! Didn't get your evite yet and I was talking to you while you were working on it! Hope you didn't forget me!

catherine said...

i can't wait to get together in april too! hopefully the weather will stay beautiful for that weekend. don't forget me too! :)