Ok ok I know...she is so super cute and happy and all that....most of the time....But! Especially lately, she is definately changing and trying out some new personalities...like...cranky tantrum throwing girl! She is going through a period now where she knows what she wants and if she doesn't get it or doesn't like what you are doing, she will scream at you.
This all started a week or two ago when she starting being more confident at walking and so she wants to hold your hand and have you walk her...which is fine until you are tired of walking in circles for an hour and want to sit down... then she will come over and grab your hand and pry your fingers apart till she gets your index finger and then wraps her hand around it and start walking off (and you are supposed to come with) and you stay put and so she pulls and pulls and then lets go and flops to the ground and starts screaming and fake crying like you just broke her heart. Seriously, I know I'm making this dramatic, but it IS this dramatic I swear!
I try to calmly explain to her "lexy, mommy is tired and we are done walking right now...why don't you play with your toys or read your books?" She goes and grabs a toy and throws it down and then makes eye contact with me and smiles and comes charge-crawling right back over to me and trys to grab my hand again!!
This goes on and on until I can't take it anymore so I stand up and walk away from her....OH..My..Gosh...END OF THE WORLD TIME!
It's funny because this is just one example, but there are so many others where it's just hard to know when to comfort and when to scold and when to just let her cry and be mad. We are definately learning all of this RIGHT NOW and I'm sure all the parents out there are going...um ya...get used to it, it never ends!
Lexy chugging her juice...she doesn't even use these cups anymore..so this is so crazy..this picture is only 3 weeks old! She will only use a kid's cup with a lid and straw now.
**Oh, and by the way (since Jolene reminded me) her clothing size is another changing factor. She has pants that are 6-9 months, but now I think they are getting too small/short....so...If you want to get her clothes then buy the 12 month size please. Socks are 6-12 mo now, but soon will be 12-18...shoes are size 3 now and soon will be size 4. So if you want her to wear them now or later it's your choice. (honestly, I think she skipped size 2 shoes...she grew so fast at one point!)
Playing a video game that daddy found (it was his like 30 years ago and still works! Star wars of course). It makes cool sounds and only has like 4 buttons to push so she loves it! I think it's Return of the Jedi...he also has the Empire Strikes Back game still.
Speaking of Star Wars...Robert calls her his "jawa" when she has her hood up like this... (for those not familiar w/Star wars and all of the many crazy creatures, like me, I think they are the tiny sand people with the hooded cloaks.