Saturday, September 15, 2012

Clearlake Visit & Facepaint Fun!


We had such a fun and busy time at Clearlake!!  I can't believe these are all the pictures I remembered to take!  My Grandma and Grandpa were so much fun!!  We had a great time and every minute of it was packed with stuff to do: games, games, playing, eating, games, playing mini-golf, games, eating and resting! :)

Happy Cousins!! Primo and Kenobi had the best time playing all day long until they dropped...and then getting up and playing some more!

These pictures were almost like they had been taken in a photo I had to put them all up!
We went to my Goddaughter, Isabel's, B-day party last weekend and there was a Mermaid face painter there!  Lexy and Sonny wanted me to take lots of pictures of their faces before I had to wash them off for bedtime. :)
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