Saturday, February 11, 2012

more x-mas 2011

New jammies from Papa Mike and Grama Sush! Sonny's Woody jammas are way faded now since I wash them whenever I can get them off him...then he puts them right back on!

My Chica pretending to drink her coffee and looking like a cutie pie! love. She is getting very good at her school work, spelling reading and math now. I'm just glad she's so into it because it makes it fun for me to teach her! I also started volunteering once a week at her school to do PE and it is SO much fun!

Kenobi + Gia = Love

Grandma reading bedtime stories...well, everyone reading stories to Grandma at bedtime. ;)

Riley and Alexya playing horses...ahhhh memories...

Chris, Riley, Sonny and Alexya...and Kenobi.

Look out! Jedi Santino is ready to battle.

Aunt Erica picking up the kids and running around with them...I don't know who had more fun, the kids or her.

...his 1st motorcyle.


Christmas Morning Madness!
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