Sonny had a Cars themed birthday party! He wanted a cars cake and cars jumpy house so that's what he got. Since he's only turning 3 (which feels like he should be turning 4) he doesn't have any friends it was just family. He got lots of great presents and had a great time with his sister in the jumpy house all day! :)
He got this cars book from Papa Mike and Gramma Sush along with a coloring book!
He got this cool Cars laptop from Uncle Chris!
Fun in the jumpy house!
Alexya's best friend, Sara stopped by to drop off a gift for Sonny. Sonny has a major crush on Sara and it was so cute seeing his reaction to her surprise visit!...already having crushes on his sister's friends! :)
Thank you everyone for your calls, cards and gifts! Sonny had a great birthday!! He's already planning his next one...seriously!
They are both wearing Sonny's new jammas...crazy how close in size they are!