Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sonny's Room, New Flags & a Truck

Sonny's room got a small Spiderman/Raiders makeover. He loves Spiderman so we got him a new poster and sheets. We already had the Raiders blanket and we made him the bear at build a bear a while ago (army bear w/raiders shirt for uncle Chris). Now he is sleeping in a big bed and it feels like he's such a big boy now...even though he's only going to be 20 months next week! He is talking nonstop and imitating whatever Alexya does and says. Sometimes it's really cute and sometimes there is just constant noise coming from my 2 little angels and I need some quiet time! ;)

We got an ARMY flag in honor of Chris being over in Iraq and put it up, along with an American flag, outside our house. I really like having it up because it makes me think of him every day and feel proud that he is over there. We also got a webcam from my dad/sush for my birthday and so now we can see him and talk to him all the time too! Sonny & Alexya really like being able to talk to him and see him and look forward to the calls. Sometimes Alexya gets shy but Sonny just wants to see Chris's face on the screen and he gets all happy and's really cute.
Oh, ya and we got a new truck, which you can see in the picture below. It's a Dodge Ram 1500 and it's really huge inside and can fit 6 adults and even Toretto in the back! Robert's very excited to finally have his truck and with 0% financing...I got to keep my Acura!! So everyone is happy now! :)

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