Saturday, August 07, 2010

Visiting Grandma & Grandpa

We don't get to go visit my mom and dad very often since they live (in the middle of nowhere) so far away! But when we do get to visit, it is always a great experience/getaway that is so much fun for the kids and a great break for me.
Here is the Grandparents w/grandkids down by the creek (yes, they have their own creek).
Alexya and Sonny had a great time jumping in and out of the water and playing in the sand and....eating cheetos! ;)
My sister, Stacy and her kids, Riley and Christopher came also and so it was fun to watch all the kids playing together. Riley caught a caterpillar and Chris even caught a crayfish!

Sonny was having too much fun feeding Grandpa Cheetos!

Alexya (3yrs old) announced that, "Riley is my best friend Mom." and Riley (6yrs old) told Stacy something along the lines of..."Alexya's not so bad anymore, Mom." :) They had a great time together!
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1 comment:

Stephen & Jeanne said...

Great Pic's Jess!!!

Thanks for sharing, we can't wait till we all get together again.

Love, Grandma Jeanne &
Grandpa Stephen