Alexya likes to invite herself to play with Santino whenever she can...he's not always thrilled at the idea...especially here where she's trying to fit on his car with him. Oh, the torture of having a big sister! ;)
Sonny loves walking around the house brushing his teeth with his vibrating Diego toothbrush. It's the funniest thing to watch, the picture doesn't really capture his nonchalaunt attitute. We got Alexya an Ariel vibrating toothbrush so she could replace the Diego one that Sonny stole from her.
He're is Santino in his Spiderman pj shirt and matching spiderman slippers. Sorry for cutting the top of Alexya's head off, but she wasn't intended to be in the picture and just jumped in at the last minute! "He wants me in the picture too mom."
Alexya opening a present from aunt Candice (wedding ariel), happily studying it.
We took her to her first preschool tour on Monday and she loved it! It was an open house from 5-7:30pm and we got there at 5pm ... and left with her screaming that she "didn't want to go because it's not over yet!" at 7:15pm. We were both surprised at how easily she ran off to play with everything without us and she made herself at home, introducing herself to the other kids and even other parents that were there. Robert had a moment of panic as we were driving there saying, "it's too far away" (it's 10 min away). He told me later it was hitting him that his little girl is growing up. So cute! :)
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