Congratulations to Candice and Darren on a perfect wedding!
This was Alexya and Santino's first trip to the snow and it was so much fun! Not to mention that my whole entire family was there, my brother's and sisters, step brothers and sisters and all my parents!! So the kids got to play with all their cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents at the same time! It was great..they were on attention overload! :)
Sonny got freaked out by all the attention and is having his fear of strangers phase...so was very clingy. But Alexya was so social and interacted with everyone and had a blast jumping from aunt to uncle to grandparent.

Daddy and Alexya, my favorite picture of the trip!! :)

This super high snow cliff that we sledded down! It was fun having everyone line up their sleds and then all race down the hill. I was scared to go down at first since it was so steep, but alexya says,"come on mom let's go" and then decided I was taking too long and jumped on with daddy to go down. She loved it and then went down with grandpa, aunt lauryn, uncle danny, and aunt stacy again and again. She was fearless and had so much fun!
I didn't want to go down the first time holding Sonny so I let aunt stacy take him down and he freaked out once they got to the bottom and he looked up and realized I was still at the top! There's no motivation to get me over my fear and down a steep hill like hearing my son screaming for me at the bottom!!

...his GQ pose!