Friday, January 29, 2010

Santino turns 1 year old!

Alexya helped me make cupcakes for Santino's first birthday! She helped eat them too :)

Santino is now officially 1 year old! Wow, did it go by fast or what??!!
Thank you to everyone who sent cards/gifts! Alexya helped open them and I will definately save them all in his babybook for him.
(Chris, thx again for the truck...Robert & Alexya are having a hard time sharing it with Sonny though)

Sonny really enjoyed eating his first cupcake!

The Christmas Fairy! A month after christmas, she still wants to wear her dress. She also got a chance to finally ride her new bike the last couple days since the rain let up! She took her first fall already and thank God for helmets! After falling and crying for a minute she jumped out of my arms and onto the bike again because, "I still want to go biking, mom." ~that's my girl! :)
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Debbie said...

Happy birthday Sonny! I can't believe how time flies. It makes me sad! Oh boo!

Doug and Amy said...

Happy Birthday Sonny! I can't believe it has been 1 year already. I was thinking about you on your birthday. I hope you enjoyed your cupcakes! Tell your mommy hi for me. I hope you and Spencer can have a play date one day soon! Maybe you can teach him some walking pointers :)

~ Jolene said...

Sonny is NOT 1 yet! Oh my gosh!! And we haven't even met him! :( Two gorgeous kids...when are you coming to visit with them????? You guys are long overdue! We have a tiny house and I'm not sure you would all comfortably fit there but just know that our house is your house. :)