Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Crawlin' Machine

Santino's on the move now....crawling all over the house and getting into trouble. He loves playing with Alexya's trains and anything else that was always conveniently out of reach before! He gets very happy as he works his way across the floor and is trying so hard to pull himself up to a standing position...so far he can pull himself up to be on his knees. He's also ready for football season to officially begin...and he was telling me that since this will be his first football season (not in my belly) that the Raiders should have a winning season this year! :)

In this pic you can see his two bottom teeth pretty good....boy does this kid love to eat!

Here's a picture of Sonny with Scout, my friend Amy's dog. We went to visit her and her brand new son, Spencer Douglas, a couple weeks ago! Unfortunately I didn't get any good pics of Spencer (since I was holding him right up until his nap time and then he was mad ;)) ....but, I did get some good ones of Scout! :) Sonny really enjoyed getting his face licked! :)
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1 comment:

Denise said...

Sonny looks adorable in that Raider jersey! Alexya's comments about Sush in her wedding dress are priceless! Love ya, Aunt Denise