Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Big News!

#1. Alexya is officially potty trained! I'm so proud of her because the beginning was so so terribly hard and then she just caught on and went from pull ups to underwear in a week. I couldn't believe she decided to switch to underwear when we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Browns Valley this past weekend...she just told me she didn't want to wear the pull ups anymore. Too funny, I was nervous, but I thought why not, if she's asking why not try it. She has an occasional accident, but overall she is telling us when she has to go and is even good at doing it in public...including the A's game we went to! By the way, taking your toddler to go pee pee in a public restroom at a ball game is just....disgusting and very difficult. I'm so proud of her and she is even acting different now...way "miss independent" attitude and way less tantrums! YAY! :)

#2. Santino had his doctor visit and is now 17 lbs and 28inches! A 4 month old monster! ...because he is so long he is now outgrowing his outfits AGAIN and I just dug out all the 9 & 12 month ones! (thanks again Blanca!). He is loving his walker (thanks Debbie!) and his tummy time/working out doing push ups time.

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~ Jolene said...

Gosh, no more pull-ups. She's officially a big girl. :( They are both growing up way too fast. You have beautiful kids!!! Sending my love to all of you...

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