Thursday, January 08, 2009

The Countdown...& Announcement

Here's a recent picture of, not santa...with my huge belly. It's funny how I'm carrying him all in the front so it just sticks way way out and is hard to keep my balance sometimes. Also, if you had the stomach for it (figuratively speaking) I would put up pictures of my belly w/o a shirt and you could see that it looks like freddy crougar took his claws and scratched them down the front of my stomach leaving horrible ugly stretch marks! Whaaaa! :(.... Oh well, the price you pay for being the lucky one to carry the baby for 9 months.

Anyway, I'll try to stop's really all I do these days and so I was trying NOT to blog because I knew this would happen and you all would be like "shut up already you whiney chick" and stop reading it. So on the positive side of things :) big smiles :) I'm on the countdown and only have about 2 more weeks to go...if Sonny comes on time (hey what's up with you people that voted he's going to be late?? Shame shame! ). He's actually really been a sweet baby so far without putting me through all the vicious kicks and punches that I had to deal with with Alexya. His movements have been so soft and slow and if they are painful it's only because he doesn't have that much room and the poor guy needs to stretch out once in a while. He does, however, get the hiccups at least 2-5, yes 5 times a day!! Which I thought was so weird and not normal..but my doctor says it happens. I don't remember Alexya having them THAT much...she had them alot, but it was like 2-4 times a week. Oh well, he is definately different and I can't wait to see how he will be when he's on the outside!

Here are some of the pictures we took of Alexya's Christmas morning at home. She got a big dinosaur from Santa and not only can she ride on it, but as you can see she is incredibly strong and can also carry it! ;) She is just getting bigger and taller lately too and is learning a new word every day. We really have to be careful what we are saying now because she is just soaking up words like a sponge and repeating them throughout the day. It's actually really fun to try to figure out what she is a game show or something...she'll repeat a word over and over and you're like "what the heck are you saying??" and then you figure it out and get so excited like you just won the game! ...or maybe it's just like that to us since we are in lexy land.

Anyway, the last and most important thing I have to post is another exciting announcement...

So, you already know that my brother is engaged and going to be getting married in April to Andrea.
Also, my sister-in-law, Erica, is pregnant and expecting her baby girl, Kara, to be born in February.

Now, the announcement I've been waiting for and am so super excited to tell is that my dad has FINALLY proposed to his girlfriend of the past 9 years, Sushuma and they will be getting married in late July or early August this year! So we can officially now call her mom and call her sons, Chris and Daniel, our brothers (even though we've been considering them family for will finally be all nice and official) :). YAY!
Tons of new family members are coming in 2009 so it IS a very very happy new year for us!
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Debbie said...

OMG! Please please tell your dad that I'm so happy for him and Sushuma! Wow! What a year it's going to be for your family. That's great news!

Doug and Amy said...

Congrats to your Dad! yay! I am very happy you finally put up a pic of your belly - you look great! But, oh my what am I in for... I am in huge denial that my stomach will get big... guess I need to get over it and quickly! I just can't believe our stomachs can do that. It is insane! I can't wait to meet your sweet baby boy! Keep me posted.

~ Jolene said...

Hi Jessica! I'm catching up on your blog. You look fantastic. You're ALL tummy. :) That's such great news about your dad! Hope all is well. I can't believe Santino will be here before you know it! I can't wait to see pictures of him! Please send my best to Robert and a big hug and kiss to Lexy!!! xoxo

~ Jolene said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BABY SANTINO!!! GERRIC JUST SHARED THE NEWS WITH ME! I can't wait to see pictures of him. Enjoy the new addition to your family!!! xoxo