Monday, September 29, 2008

The End Of Summer 08

Here's our water-baby enjoying a swim with Daddy in her hot tub/cold tub. This is a daily routine for these two and I'm not sure if it will continue into fall and then winter...but who knows...if the water is warm enough, I'm sure she'll be in there!

Alexya is getting very good at feeding herself now...well, I didn't say neat, but she can get it in there!

And here she is practicing blowing out the candles on mommy's birthday cake. She's getting ready for the main event two months from now...she doesn't want to disappoint anyone at her party. Hope you guys don't mind a little spit with your cake... ;)

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Debbie said...

I love the spa! It's totally awesome for her. She's such a water baby. Can't wait to see you guys again next month!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday and congrats on having a new baby!! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to comment!