Monday, September 29, 2008

The End Of Summer 08

Here's our water-baby enjoying a swim with Daddy in her hot tub/cold tub. This is a daily routine for these two and I'm not sure if it will continue into fall and then winter...but who knows...if the water is warm enough, I'm sure she'll be in there!

Alexya is getting very good at feeding herself now...well, I didn't say neat, but she can get it in there!

And here she is practicing blowing out the candles on mommy's birthday cake. She's getting ready for the main event two months from now...she doesn't want to disappoint anyone at her party. Hope you guys don't mind a little spit with your cake... ;)

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Save the Date: 11-22-08

No new pictures to put up, but I wanted to give an update. 1st please save the date Saturday, November 22nd for Alexya's 2nd Birthday party and baby shower for Santino. We're having it at her favorite restaurant, El Tapatio, so come hungry! Also, we decided to move Alexya out of her room and into a brand new "disney princess" themed room! Thanks debbie for the idea! Santino is going to get the A's themed room since it's all set up already for a baby and Alexya gets a new room with a theme she will really love! I found her bunk beds and princess sheets and comforters and we're painting the room light not to overwhelm ourselves w/pink princesses! :) Since I'm going to Tahoe with Candice for my b-day and getting a prenatal massage...yes...can't wait...Robert is going to paint the room while Alexya stays at grandma & papa's house. So an exciting weekend for everyone....right robert??!! hehehe

So some Lexy chatter updates include:
"Unnnnn-Noooo!" - oh no! - which is said for anything that spills, is dropped or broken or if she falls.
"Papa" - grandpa - for Frank
"Ga-Ma" - grandma - for theresa ... she just learned to say these last weekend and is so proud of herself that she says them over and over.
"Haop" - Help - when she falls down so you can pick her up or if she's stuck somewhere (very often).
"Ta-to" - Toretto - her fav playmate right now
"g0-g0-g0" -let's go - learned from backyardigans song...she will usually say it and start running off!
"caa" - car
"cea-e-ol" - cereal
juice and agua are actually pronounced correctly!
and her phone conversations (the fake ones) have been extended to include the following..."hi, hello, hello, hi, giberish that I can't understand, then laughing, then more laughing and giberish and then, b-bye!" So hilarious to actually watch it in's almost like she's making fun of you on the phone.

We still get the kisses and hugs (with sound effects) and now she started saying ouch when she gets hurt. The crazy thing is all these words were random until about 2 weeks ago...and now they have come pouring out and she will even repeat a word you say if you say it to her over and over...which is just crazy to me...she is growing up so fast already turning into a little girl. She can feed herself now with a spoon or fork..which is very messy, but she insists on doing it herself and loves to practice drinking out of a cup w/no lid and not spilling ("Unnnnn-Noooo!").

She still loves/is obsessed w/water and swimming and is now very good at climbing the playgrounds and going down slides very fast! Yesterday, she met a little boy her age who would go down the slide at the same time as her (it was a double slide) and they were inseperable...until he spotted a bike to play with and she decided to yell at him from the top of the playground to make him come back...until daddy decided to go down with her instead. The boy was in love with the bike and had moved on..which she didn't like. My friend amy was on the phone with me at the time and told me alexya was acting like me......hmmm....i don't see it...

Anyway, there are a million more things, but obviously I can't put them all in you will just have to come hang out with us/her to see them. Oh, and suddenly she is very shy if she doesn't see you every weekend.....(grandma/papa)...and so it takes some time for her to warm up to you...just fyi.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

It's a ....BOY!

So we went to the doctor today and finally found out that we are going to have a baby boy! That's right Alexya...get ready for a baby brother to pick on. We decided awhile ago on the name if it was a boy so now that it's official I can update my blog link w/the correct name which is: Santino Robert Hernandez.
Needless to say Robert is insanely happy to be having a son and had to pull over on our way home from the doctor and buy a cigar to celebrate!
I'm going to change the link to Santino & Alexya if I don't email the actual link to you maybe you can type in the name. I'll change it next week to the new link. The doctor also moved up my due date to January 20th, but we'll see what happens...

Alexya has been practicing changing diapers on her own baby and is getting pretty good at it. She is very careful and makes sure to thoroughly wipe the whole baby and puts lots of powder before putting the new diaper on. :)

Alexya and mommy trying to snuggle with mommy's big belly in the way! :)
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