Tuesday, July 10, 2007

She is Changing So Much!

Check out this face! She is looking more and more like the little girl she will become and less like a baby. So weird how her appearance and her personality are both chaning so rapidly right now! She is becoming so independent by wanting to be on the floor and not held in your arms so she can crawl and explore. But at the same time she wants you to be right there next to her and if you walk away for a second...she crys and wants you back! It's so crazy!

Here's a picture of Lauryn and Lexy at Amy's bridal shower...more pics to come.

Finally, here's the picture of Robert's new tatoo! It has healed up since this picture and isn't so burgundy...just grey color...and not so glossy! ;) But, I absolutely love it with all my heart and just had to share it with everyone.

Lexy and her Auntie...just relaxin' on the couch at grandpa's after a long day! What a couple of cuties! It was so fun watching Lexy play with Lauryn. Lauryn would do something with one of Lexy's toys, like hit it against another one, and Lexy would copy whatever she did!! I also just have to add that Lauryn had saved most of her favorite toys from when she was a baby and gratiously bestowed them upon Alexya! ;) What a nice Auntie! Lexy can always use more bath toys....since she spends most of her time in the water! :)
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~ Jolene said...

wow, now that's a serious tattoo. That's what I call LOVE. :) That is SO sweet that your sister saved her toys and gave them to her! As always, your daughter is just beautiful.

Debbie said...

Lexy is super cute! She's always sooo happy!

Anonymous said...

This girl is just so photogenic; perhaps modeling is in her future.